Dienstag, 25. Mai 2010

Touch Me, Tux - die Zweite

Im Zuge der in einigen Tagen beginnenden Fußball-WM 2010 verkaufte Aldi-Süd letzte Wochen den „TEVION® Tragbarer 11 cm/4,3'' Touch Multimediaplayer“ (MD 82700) mit eingebautem DVB-T-Empfänger. So können sich die Fußballfans per „Überall-Fernsehen“ auf dem Laufenden halten - wenigstens „überall“ dort, wo es empfangbar ist.

Im Lieferumfang befinden sich neben dem Netzteil, ein USB-Kabel, ein Ohrhörer und eine kleine DVB-T-Magnetfußantenne.

Daneben gibt der Player Videos, Musik und Fotos wieder. Und auch Text kann man sich anzeigen lassen; natürlich kein Vergleich zu Kindle und Co – weshalb das Feature wahrscheinlich nicht einmal beworben wurde.

Das Gerät meldet sich unter Linux als USB-Massenspeicher (MD 82700) an. Je nachdem, ob eine zusätzlich Micro-SD Karte eingelegt ist, erscheinen ein (intern: 4 GB) bzw. zwei USB-Laufwerke. Bilder und Video lassen sich auch mit gängigen Werkzeugen unter Linux so codieren, dass sie vom Player wiedergegeben werden.

Als Wiedergabeformate werden JPEG, MP3, MPEG4, RM, RMVB, Divx und Xvid beworben. Zu RM und RMVB kann ich nichts sagen, da ich unter Linux keine Encoder dafür laufen habe.

Die Angabe von MPEG4 ist zwar nicht falsch, aber vielleicht etwas missverständlich. MPEG4 ist ähnlich wie AVI ein Container-Format. Es sagt nichts über die darin verwendeten Codecs aus.

Um normale Dateien zu  komprimieren gibt unterschiedliche Algorithmen (ZIP, RAR, LZH, usw.). Ein sehr bekannt Algorithmus für Audio ist MP3, aber er ist halt nicht der einzige. Im Open-Souce-Bereich ist auch Ogg Vorbis verbreitet, Mac-User kennen AAC usw. Und auch bei den Videocodecs sind mittlerweile nicht nur Eingeweihten mehrere Codecs bekannt: DivX (und sein Open-Source-Pendant Xvid) sowie MPEG2 von den DVDs.

Häufig genutzte Quellen für MP4-Dateien sind heutzutage Video-Portale wie Youtube und Vimeo. Die dort erhältlichen Videos werden mit dem sehr effektiven Codec H.264 für Video und häufig mit AAC für Audio komprimiert. Diese beiden Codecs versteht das Gerät allerdings nicht. Solche Dateien können nicht direkt wiedergegeben werden und müssen auf dem Computer umcodiert werden.

Wenn man einmal vom DVB-T absieht, so erinnert der Player sehr an das Technaxx-Gerät, mit dem dieses Blog vor über einem Jahr begann. Die verfügbaren Formate, Aufbau und Inhalt der Menüs, exotische Funktionen wie Liedtext-Wiedergabe mit .lirc-Dateien, ähneln sehr der Software im Technaxx-Player. Selbst der vor einem Jahr genannte Konvertier-Befehl kann so (und in leicht abgewandelter Form) verwendet werden.

Von der Auflösung her unterscheiden sich der Technaxx- (320 x 240) und der Medion-Player (480 x 272) nicht sonderlich. Die höhere Pixelzahl ist fast ausschließlich dem Wechsel vom 4:3- zum 16:9-Format zu verdanken; aber natürlich ist der Bildschirm jetzt deutlich größer.

Der Wiedergabe-Chip ist leistungsstärker geworden, so dass viele Einschränkungen weggefallen sind: Es werden höhere Bildfrequenzen (Technaxx: max. 20 Bilder pro Sekunde) und höhere Bitraten für Video und Audio wiedergegeben. Auch B-Frames werden nun unterstützt, die eine höhere Komprimierung erlauben.

Die alten für den Technaxx kodierten Dateien lassen sich daher weiter abspielen. Und da diverse Einschränkungen wegfallen, lassen sich mit Avidemux erstellte Dateien nun direkt verwenden.

Erfolgreich getestete Formate:

Container-Formate: AVI, MP4
Videocodecs: DivX, Xvid
Audiocodecs: MP2, MP3, AC3
Videofrequenz (Bilder/Sekunde): 20, 25
Bildformate: JPEG, BMP

Hier ein Konvertierbefehl im Bausatz

Dateinamen, Ausgabeformat: AVI
mencoder -noodml QUELLDATEI -of avi -o ZIELDATEI

Videocodec XVID, Bitrate
-ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=VIDEOBITRATE:quant_type=h263:me_quality=6
VIDEOBITRATE: je nach Qualität, typische Werte 800 bis 1000

AUDIOCODEC: mp3lame, mp2, ac3

mencoder -noodml ein.mp4 -of avi -o aus.avi -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=1000:quant_type=h263:me_quality=6 -oac mp3lame

Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

The wow factor book

Yesterday, a young man in Australia became victim of his own success.

Andrew Price of blenderguru.com fame had demonstrated in the past that he can produce good and easy to understand blender text and video tutorials.

He peaked the community's interest when he announced an e-book -  “the wow-factor” - about the compositor of Blender 2.5, something that hasn't got a lot of coverage so far.

During the last weeks he released a sample chapter of his book and produced a promotional video worthy of a shopping channel.  Apart from detailing the content of the e-book, it listed all the bonuses which come with it, and culminated in the display of the e-book itself and all the bonuses as CDs and booklets which, of course, all exist - in good Blender fashion - only virtually.

One day before the release he offered a chance to win a free copy of the e-book.  It got 700+ entries which should have been a warning about what was going to hit him.

With only a few hours to go, his website become slower and slower, and when the first message "error 500" appeared, it was clear that the demand crashed his server.  The move to a more powerful home took another 3+ hours which deprived a few of his costumers of the chance to be among the first hundred buyers eligible for “the vault” - the collection of source material which made up the book.

Before going to bed myself, I skimmed the e-book.  It delivers what was promised: an overview of glares, blurs and optical effects - many of which most of us have never heard of - and how to create them in Blender. 

The bonuses provide additional information which are not available in this completeness at this time anywhere else.  The “node encyclopaedia”  for example will save you hours of gathering this information and will hopefully become part of the regular Blender documentation once the final 2.5 version is released, which can still take some time.

The reason that the compositor is not the most prominent feature in most other Blender tutorials is, that it is one of the last steps of creating something in Blender used to polish your render.  This means that you must already have something to work with – a fact that has been taken care of by two video tutorials showing how to build a scene in which to use the effects.  Unfortunately they are only available in a time limited fashion.

All in all it seems to provide a lot of useful information which I can hopefully learn during the coming weeks while reading, watching and listening to the provided material.

I wonder if there were free bonus steak knives mentioned in the commercial... .blend files would suffice. :-)

Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

dbus tutorial - part 3

The last part started with the basic structure of the dbus part of the CD file listing utility and then showed the particular problems with the HAL implementation.

DeviceKit.Disks has to overcome similar problems, but due to the different concepts behind DeviceKit they have to be solved slightly differently.


Like HAL, DeviceKit.Disks is another daemon handling devices and is offering similar services under different names. HAL is a jack of all trades, providing information about nearly everything in your system. This lead to its downfall, because the code base became huge and unmaintainable.  DeviceKit on the other hand is split into individual more specialised daemons.  DeviceKit.Disks is strictly focussed on disks and drives.

Differences to HAL from a programmers point of view:
  • As already seen: A different function is used to install the callbacks.
  • The string given to the callback function (e.g. /org/freedesktop/DeviceKit/Disks/devices/sr0)  is the name of a Devkit device. It points to a hardware device (e.g. the CDROM drive) not a volume (the inserted medium).  And because the string already points to the hardware device we don't have to check for any parent object.
  • Being a fixed drive, we also don't need the device_added_callback or device_removed_callback, because the physical CDROM device is not likely to be removed during the lifetime of the program and only changing the medium does not trigger these callbacks. (Note: A USB stick where the physical device itself is being unplugged does trigger these callbacks.).
  • Which leaves the device_changed_callback. However, unlike HAL, there is no indication which property has changed when it is being triggered. We have to track the appropriate properties ourselves.
(See part 2)

import gobject
import dbus

Adding the callback
(See part 1)

bus = dbus.SystemBus()
devkit_object = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks",
devkit_disks = dbus.Interface(devkit_object, 'org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks')
devkit_disks.connect_to_signal('DeviceChanged', device_changed_callback)


def device_changed_callback(device):
    print 'Device %s was changed' % (device)

Device properties in Devicekit.Disks

DeviceKit.Disks devices implement an interface named Properties which gives access to the device properties:

device_object = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks", udi)
device_prop = dbus.Interface(device_object, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
property = device_prop.Get("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Device","name_of_property")

# or

all_properties = device_prop.GetAll("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Device")

Interesting properties are:
  • DriveMediaCompatibility
    description: hardware compatibility
    typical values: optical_cd, optical_cd_r, optical_cd_rw, optical_dvd, optical_dvd_r,  optical_dvd_ram
  • DeviceIsOpticalDisc
    typical values: 0/1
    0: disk tray empty
    1: optical media has been found
  • DeviceIsMounted
    typical values: 0/1
    0: nothing mounted yet
    1: valid DeviceMountPaths
  • IdLabel
    description: label of CD/DVD
  • DeviceMountPaths
    descirption: mount point, if a CD/DVD has been mounted
  • OpticalDiscIsBlank
    typical values: 0/1
    0: media in the drive is not blank
    1: media in the drive is blank
  • DeviceIsRemovable
    typical values: 0/1
    1: device can contain removable media (-> Eject should work)
See also: http://hal.freedesktop.org/docs/DeviceKit/

You can get a quick overview with human readable property names with

devkit-disks --dump | more

How to filter out events that are not CD related

The most promising way is to check DriveMediaCompatibility for the value optical_cd or optical_dvd.

device_object = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks", udi)
device_prop = dbus.Interface(device_object, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
md = device_prop.Get("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Device","DriveMediaCompatibility")
print "is CD-ROM:", (u"optical_cd" in md) or (u"optical_dvd" in md)

If you observe the events (using the dbus-monitor) when inserting or ejecting a CD, the following patterns emerge:
(I haven't found any authoritative documentation yet, but the steps seem logical):
  • When the CDROM tray is empty:
    DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 0
  • Blank medium inserted:
    DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 1
    OpticalDiscIsBlank == 1
  • After ejecting the blank medium:
    DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 0

  • Insert a medium containing data
    • step 1 (medium gets recognized):
      DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 1
      OpticalDiscIsBlank == 0
      DeviceIsMounted == 0
    • step 2 (medium gets auto mounted):
      DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 1
      OpticalDiscIsBlank == 0
      DeviceIsMounted == 1
  • eject medium:
    • step 1 (auto umount)
      DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 1
      OpticalDiscIsBlank == 0
      DeviceIsMounted == 0
    • step 2 (eject)
      DeviceIsOpticalDisc == 0
      OpticalDiscIsBlank == 0
      DeviceIsMounted == 0

  • If DeviceIsOpticalDisc is being set to 1, the property IdLabel becomes valid.
  • If DeviceIsMounted is being set to 1, the property DeviceMountPaths becomes valid.
When to read the file list

As DeviceKit.Disks does not provide the information which property was modified, we have to track the state of DeviceIsMounted ourselves and read the files below the mount point(s) when DeviceIsMounted changes from 0 to 1.

Eject via software

This function is located in the interface org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Device. Note that a volume must be unmounted first before it can be ejected (see property DeviceIsMounted).

system_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
device_object = system_bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks", udi)

# get properties
device_prop = dbus.Interface(device_object, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties")
all_properties = device_prop.GetAll("org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Device")

# call unmount/eject depending on the device state
disk_dev_func = dbus.Interface(device_object, "org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Device")
if all_properties['DeviceIsMounted'] == 1:
if all_properties['DeviceIsOpticalDisc'] == 1:

With this, we have all the building blocks for DeviceKit.disks implementation of the CD file listing utility